E' una storia davvero unica quella che state per conoscere tramite questo video.
E' stata realizzata con grande maestria da un manipolo di rider, fotografi e giornalisti, fra i quali Brice Minnigh di Bike Magazine.
Questa volta è davvero il caso di condividere il loro lavoro, The Trail to Kazbegi, sulle pagine di MtbCult.
La conclusione del loro viaggio è un concetto che tutti noi conosciamo bene, ma lì, lontano centinaia di Km dalla propria "zona di comfort", è diventata evidente e ancora più forte: la vita in montagna è semplicemente migliore.
What happens when four like-minded adventurers head into one of the world’s wildest mountain ranges with nothing but their mountain bikes and enough food to survive for 10 days?
The answer? What doesn’t happen? Terrifying lightning storms. Raging-river crossings. Snow-covered glacial pass traverses. Mind-melting descents. Constant fights with vicious dogs. Tense encounters with over-zealous border-patrol guards.
All of the above were just another day following “The Trail to Kazbegi,” a self-supported mountain-bike mission through the highest reaches of the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Our four-man team—adventure filmmaker Joey Schusler, Bike magazine editor Brice Minnigh, photographer Ross Measures and mountain man Sam Seward—spent half of June 2015 exploring the crown jewels of the Georgian High Caucasus on a feature assignment for Bike.
Along the way our crew overcame countless obstacles and experienced some of the most spectacular scenery and trails they had ever encountered. They also were treated to the unparalleled hospitality of the Georgian people and the benign indifference of the elements on their quest to reach the magnificent Mount Kazbek. In the process, they cemented lasting friendships and proved, yet again, that life is simply better in the mountains.
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